October 17, 2017

Influencer Marketing Brief Template

Influencer Marketing Brief Template

Imagine you're a brand looking to create a buzz around your latest product launch. You've decided that leveraging the power of influencer marketing is the way to go. But how do you ensure that your campaign runs smoothly and achieves its goals? The answer lies in a well-crafted influencer marketing brief. This crucial document serves as the roadmap for your influencer collaboration, ensuring both parties are on the same page and aligned with the campaign's objectives.

Step 1: About the Marketing Campaign

What is the Campaign and Why are You Implementing It?

The first step in creating your influencer marketing brief is to provide a high-level overview of the campaign. This section should answer the following questions:

  • What is the campaign about?
  • Why are you launching this campaign?
  • What are your brand, product, or service details?

Let's break it down further:

Campaign Overview: Start with a brief description of the campaign. For example, "Our campaign aims to promote our new eco-friendly skincare line, emphasizing its natural ingredients and sustainable packaging."

Campaign Objective: Explain the purpose behind the campaign. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or engage with a new audience? For instance, "We aim to raise awareness about our commitment to sustainability and attract environmentally-conscious consumers."

Brand/Product Details: Provide essential information about your brand and the product or service you'll be promoting. Highlight unique selling points and key features. Example: "Our brand, EcoGlow, is dedicated to creating high-quality skincare products that are both effective and eco-friendly. Our new line includes a range of moisturizers, cleansers, and serums made from organic ingredients."

Step 2: Key Brand Messages

Communicating Your Core Message

The next step involves clearly articulating the key brand messages you want the influencer to convey through their content. This section is crucial because it ensures that the influencer accurately represents your brand and communicates the desired message.

Core Messages:
Identify the primary messages you want to convey. These could include brand values, product benefits, or unique features. For example:

  • "Our products are made from 100% natural and organic ingredients."
  • "We use sustainable packaging to reduce environmental impact."
  • "Our skincare line is cruelty-free and suitable for all skin types."

Call-to-Action (CTA):
Define the desired action you want the audience to take. This could be visiting your website, making a purchase, or following your social media accounts. Example: "Encourage your followers to visit our website and use the discount code ECOGLOW20 for 20% off their first purchase."

Step 3: Campaign KPIs and Goals

Measuring Success

To ensure your campaign is successful, it's essential to establish clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and goals. This section should outline the metrics you'll use to measure the campaign's effectiveness.

Identify the specific metrics that will help you gauge success. These could include:

  • Engagement Rate: Likes, comments, shares, and saves.
  • Reach: The number of unique users who see the content.
  • Conversions: The number of users who take the desired action (e.g., making a purchase).
  • Traffic: The number of visitors directed to your website from the influencer's content.

Set realistic and measurable goals based on your KPIs. For example:

  • "Achieve a 5% engagement rate on Instagram posts."
  • "Reach 100,000 unique users within the first week of the campaign."
  • "Generate 500 sales using the discount code ECOGLOW20."

Step 4: Influencer Deliverables

Defining Expectations

Clearly outlining the deliverables and expectations is crucial for a successful collaboration. This section should specify the type of content, deadlines, and any mandatory requirements.

Content Requirements:
Define the type and quantity of content you expect. Example:

  • 1 x Instagram post featuring the product with branded @tag and #hashtag on December 5th.
  • 1 x Instagram story featuring the product with a verbal mention of the brand on December 5th.
  • 1 x YouTube video post encouraging the audience to make a purchase using the discount code: ECOGLOW20 by December 10th.

Mandatory Requirements:
Include any specific elements that must be part of the content, such as:

  • Social tags: @EcoGlowOfficial
  • Hashtags: #EcoGlow, #SustainableSkincare
  • Discount codes: ECOGLOW20
  • Landing pages or CTAs: Link to the product page or homepage.

Clearly state the due dates for each deliverable to ensure timely execution.

Step 5: Content Theme & Mood

Setting the Tone

The content theme and mood section helps guide the influencer in creating content that aligns with your brand's aesthetics and values. This ensures consistency and enhances the overall impact of the campaign.

Preferred Style:
Describe the desired style and tone of the content. Example: "We want the content to be family-friendly, inspiring, and creative. The visuals should be bright and airy, with a focus on natural elements."

Content Examples:
Provide examples of existing content that matches your vision. This helps the influencer understand your expectations and serves as a source of inspiration.

Step 6: Influencer Do’s and Don'ts

Guidelines for Success

To help the influencer create the best content for your brand, provide a list of do's and don'ts. This ensures that the content aligns with your brand values and avoids any potential pitfalls.


  • Highlight the natural and organic ingredients of the products.
  • Showcase the eco-friendly packaging.
  • Use positive and uplifting language.
  • Engage with followers by responding to comments.


  • Avoid making false claims about the product.
  • Do not use offensive or inappropriate language.
  • Refrain from discussing competitors in the content.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How detailed should the influencer marketing brief be? A: The brief should be detailed enough to provide clear guidance but not overly restrictive. It should give the influencer creative freedom while ensuring alignment with your brand's objectives.

Q: How do I choose the right influencer for my campaign?
A: Look for influencers whose values align with your brand, and who have an engaged and relevant audience. Consider factors such as engagement rate, follower demographics, and previous collaborations.

Q: How can I measure the success of my influencer marketing campaign?
A: Use the KPIs outlined in your brief to track metrics such as engagement rate, reach, conversions, and website traffic. Analyze these metrics to determine the campaign's effectiveness and ROI.


Creating a comprehensive influencer marketing brief is essential for the success of your campaign. It ensures that both you and the influencer are aligned on the campaign's objectives, key messages, and deliverables. By following this step-by-step template, you'll be well-equipped to launch a successful influencer marketing campaign that drives results.

Ready to take your influencer marketing to the next level? Start crafting your influencer marketing brief today and watch your brand's visibility and engagement soar!

For more tips and insights on influencer marketing, visit our website at www.mysocial.io. Let's make your next campaign a success!