March 19, 2018

Mysocial News: YouTube Studio out of beta, Facebook competes with TV

Mysocial News: YouTube Studio out of beta, Facebook competes with TV

It is a busy time in social media and influencer marketing. Here is all the news you need to know this week and why they matter.

Facebook Watch acquires baseball streaming rights

Major League Baseball has reached an agreement with Facebook to give Facebook Watch exclusive streaming rights for 25 baseball games this season. Facebook Watch already has streaming rights for various other events. This latest move means Facebook is putting itself in direct competition with television as well as streaming powerhouse Netflix.

Snapchat redesign hurts small creators

The new Snapchat redesign has been controversial among many users. It has been great news for bigger creators, who have seen their views increase. Unfortunately, small and medium sized creators have seen the opposite effect. With less and less views of their content, smaller Snapchat creators are considering a switch to Instagram if they haven't done so already. This is a huge issue for Snapchat that has already seen its fair share of problems in the last few months.

YouTube Studio exits beta

YouTube Studio is the video manager for everyone that has an account on YouTube. It has finally exited its beta phase and will be rolling out to all creators within a few weeks. The official roll-out comes with additional analytics for creators, including: impressions, click-through rate, and unique views. These additional metrics will help creators better understand how their videos are performing on YouTube.